Adaptive immunity general information - Adaptive immunerespons - B-cells

7 important questions on Adaptive immunity general information - Adaptive immunerespons - B-cells

What happens after the B-cell had antigen contact?

1. Secretion of IgM (alternative splicing)
2. Then isotype switching: IgG, IgA or IgE
3. Affinity maturation
4. Long lived plasma cell

What are the main functions of antibodies?

1. Opsonization, mostly done by IgG. Which can activate complement.
2. Neutralization: protects the cell by blocking binding of toxin.
3. Activated complement system.

Which immunoglobins are function mostly in the neutralization?

IgG 1-4 and IgA
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Which immunoglobins function mostly in opsonization?

IgG1 and IgG3

Which immunoglobulins function mostly in activation of the complement system?

IgM and IgG3.

How can opsonization of a bacterium help to eliminate the bacteria?

The bacteria are coated with IgG1 or IgG3 and therefore easy to be recognized by phagocytes. 

How can a B-cell be activated without the use of a TfH cell?

This can happen when a BCR recognizes a polyvalent antigen and parts of a bacteria such as lipopolysaccharides, polymerized flagellin and pneumococcal polysaccharides.

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