Defence against viruses - Different types of vaccines - Vector vaccine

4 important questions on Defence against viruses - Different types of vaccines - Vector vaccine

What is a vector vaccine?

This is a vaccine where a gene is inserted into other virus or producer cell line. An example is the hepatitis b vaccine.

How is a vector vaccine made?

1. First the antigen producing gene of the virus is isolated out of the virus.
2. This is placed in a vector (plasmid) where recombinant DNA develops.
3. This vector is then places in a other virus or producer cell line (yeast).
4. The virus/producer cell line multiplies and produces the antigen of the virus.
5. The antigen can be extracted and purified into a vaccine.

What is the difference between competent and non-competent vector vaccines?

Competent vector vaccine is a vaccine where the viral vector can replicate within the cells, but the non-competent vaccines cannot replicate within the cells.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a vector vaccine?

The advantages are that it is relatively safe and results in a long-lived immunity but there are multiple doses necessary and there is immunity against a vector if the DNA changes the immunity becomes less strong.

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