Defence against viruses - Different types of vaccines

6 important questions on Defence against viruses - Different types of vaccines

What is the difference between polysaccharide vaccines and conjugate vaccines?

Polysaccharide vaccines contain the polysaccharides that make up the capsule of certain organism but that makes them T independed antigen vaccines which is not effective in young children.
While a Conjugate vaccine, is a vaccine where the polysaccharides are linked to proteins that converts the polysaccharides into a T-dependent antigen,

What is the difference between microspheres and nanoparticles?

Microspheres are 1-100 µM in size and are preferred by macrophages and nanoparticles are < 1 µM in size and are preferred by DC’s.

What is the difference between recombinant protein/subunit vaccines and virus, like particle vaccines (VLP)?

Subunit vaccines consist of key protein antigens or anti-genetic fragments of a pathogen while VLP contain empty capsids, which mimic the virus structure but aren’t infection because they lack genetic material. HPV vaccine is a VLP vaccine.
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What is the advantage and disadvantage of a subunit vaccine?

Advantage is that parts that may cause undesirable side effects are not included in this vaccine, but it can only be developed after research have revealed which of the microbe’s components are the most important in triggering a protective immune response. 

What are Inactivated toxin vaccines?

This is a type of vaccines that can protects us against diseases caused by bacterial toxins. Such as the tetanus or diphtheria vaccines.

How do inactivated toxin vaccine protects us?

These vaccines protect us from the toxins because the antibodies bind to the toxin and prevents the toxin from binding to the cellular receptors and thus can’t poisons the cell.

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