Defence against bacteria - Adaptive immunity - Antibodies

4 important questions on Defence against bacteria - Adaptive immunity - Antibodies

What it the function of IgA in viral infections?

IgA is present on the mucosal surface’s and neutralized infectivity of a virus.

Which function of an antibody is most important in the protection against a virus?

Neutralization where an antibody binds to the virus and thereby blocking the access to the cells that they might infect or destroy, and if a virus can’t enter the cell they can’t replicate.

What do antibodies do in the defense against viruses?

o They neutralize infectivity of viruses (IgA at mucosal surfaces)
o Induce ADCC by NK cells (IgG1)
o Complement system activation.
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Which processes happen after a B-cell had antigen contact?

First a plasma blast develops, and IgM is secreted after longer amount of time the isotype switching takes place and IgG, IgA or IgE is produced, and affinity maturation takes place, and they develop in long-lived plasma cells.

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