Psychology and sociology
20 important questions on Psychology and sociology
On what focuses evolutionary psychology?
What does positive selection need to drive evolution?
2. The trait need to be heritable
Theory of natural selection
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In what 4 categories can you divide the answer of a question?
2. Development (how does the behavior come about in a life)
3. Adaptive function (what adaptive problem does it solve)
4. Evolutionary history (how did the behavior arise)
What are the two interventions?
2. Gender transformatory initiatives (raising programs for women)
What benefits come from incorporating an evolutionary perspective?
2. Can help explain a build on well-established behavioral phenomena
What are two limitations of evolutionary benefits?
2. We lack detailed knowledge of many selection pressures that humans faced over the millions of years
What are the three categories of the self-determination theory?
2. Compentence: desire to feel capable and effective
3. Relatedness: feeling connected to and cared about by others
When does the principle agent problem arise?
Piaget's theory of cognitive development
What serve as the building blocks for human thought and behavior?
What are 2 rules when you want to classify something?
2. Accommodation: make a distinction between two things
Sensorimotor stage (birth-2)
Formal operational stage (12-up)
Kolhberg's theory of moral development
What can teachers do to motivate students?
2. Focus on the learning process and not the grades (competence)
3. Study together with other students (relatedness)
What are the two sorts attributions?
2. External: causes lie within the situation
Fundamental attribution theory
Explain fundamental attribution theory
other person+ negative= personality
yourself + positive= personality
other person + positive= situation
A reference group
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