Generating creative customer-focused ideas - Creativity - Creativity techniques for innovation

11 important questions on Generating creative customer-focused ideas - Creativity - Creativity techniques for innovation

What are types of creativity techniques?

  • Brainstorming
  • Left-right brain alternations
  • Five W's, one H technique
  • Attribute association

On what assumption is brainstorming based?

On the assumption that people are naturally creative and that by defining judgement on the quality of ideas until a sufficient quantity has been collected, means that some really good ones can be selected.

What is the left-right brain alternations technique?

This technique ensures a 'whole-brain' approach to identifying an opportunity or solving a problem. Typical left-brain functions include speaking, writing, calculating, logic and deliberating, and so on. In contrast, right brains control our ability for intuition, spatial perception, art and visualization.
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What is the five Ws, one H technique?

it helps enhance our understanding of a problem or an opportunity by asking five 'W' questions (who, what, where, when and why) and one 'H' question (how). The W answers explain more about the issue. The answer to the H question provides ways to implement the ideas generated by the Ws.

What is the starting point for attribute association?

The starting point is to create a list of the attributes of the product, service or process.

Which five attribute association approaches exist?

  1. Modifying the nature of the attribute
  2. Subtraction or simplification of attributes
  3. Multiplication of attributes
  4. Division of attributes
  5. Unification of attributes

What does the attribute association approach 'Modifying the nature of the attribute' mean?

Also called product morphology analysis. This approach takes the main product attributes and sees how these can be modified.

What does the attribute association approach 'Subtraction or simplification of attributes' mean?

Removing certain attributes may simplify a product and make it more attractive to certain segments. This is an attempt to prevent what some writers have called feature creep - the tendency for development teams to always add more features to products.

What does the attribute association approach 'Multiplication of attributes' mean?

An existing product attribute is copied and offered, with a modification of the function of the repeated attribute, multiple times in the product. The multiplication leads to a specific benefit.

What does the attribute association approach 'Division of attributes' mean?

This essentially looks at the product architecture and how physical or functional components are grouped together.

What does the attribute association approach 'Unification of attributes' mean?

Assigning new functions to existing attributes. This can, for example, also lead to simplification.

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