Generating creative customer-focused ideas - Creativity - Types of business creativity

5 important questions on Generating creative customer-focused ideas - Creativity - Types of business creativity

What is the difference between business creativity and innovation?

Business creativity is not only original thinking but also thinking that is approprate and actionable. In other words, original thinking can lead to inventions but until these are commercialized, they are not innovations.

What are the three types of business creativity?

  1. Exploratory creativity
  2. Normative creativity
  3. Serendipitous creativity

What is exploratory creativity?

Exploratory creativity is closest to most people's understanding of creativity: the identification of opportunities. It is 'unconventional' thinking, which modifies or rejects previous ideas, clarifies vague or ill-defined problems in developing new views or solutions.
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What is normative creativity?

In normative creativity, original thinking is used to solve known problems. Normative creativity is often required for process innovation. In the service sector the opportunities for normative creativity are enormous, as solving customer issues is a major catalyst for service innovation.

What is serendipitous creativity?

Serendipitous creativity acknowledges the role of accident and good fortune in, for example, discovering a new application for an existing idea. Serendipitous creativity, by definition, cannot be managed easily, although looking for ideas from different sectors or bringing in experts from other fields can help.

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