Generating creative customer-focused ideas - Creativity

4 important questions on Generating creative customer-focused ideas - Creativity

Which areas should be understood by managers in both the service and manufacturing sectors?

  • The different types of business creativity
  • The factors which influence individual creativity
  • How group creativity can be managed
  • Key creativity techniques

What can diminish group creativity?

Things like groupthink, cults and uniformity.

How can patents document how particular problems are solved?

Patents can be grouped by the generic problem they are solving, trends or design trade-offs.
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What are the advantages of TRIZ?

  1. An advantage of a TRIZ database is that engineers involved with finding a specific problem can look up all the generic ways to approach the issue.
  2. Design trends can be identified and so opportunities for improvement can be spotted.
  3. It provides insight into how design trade-offs can be managed.

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