Developing an innovation strategy - Customer satisfaction: Feature Fatigue - Responses to a disruptive threat

5 important questions on Developing an innovation strategy - Customer satisfaction: Feature Fatigue - Responses to a disruptive threat

Which three responses are identified by Charitou and Markides to a disruptive threat?

  1. Find a way to use it at once
  2. Focus on the existing business
  3. Wait and see
  4. Attack back - disrupt the disruption

What does the response "Find a way to use it at once" entail to a disruptive threat?

This is the 'classic' response to a disruptive technology and is the most appropriate if the disruptive technology really holds promise of eventually replacing the incumbent technology without any disadvantages. Companies immediately try to master the disruptive technology.

What does the response "Focus on the existing business" entail to a disruptive threat?

If the disruptive innovations technology does not precisely replace the incumbent one, an aggressive response may be successful, emphasizing and enhancing the features of the existing technology that are not shared by the new one.
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What does the response "Wait and see" entail to a disruptive threat?

Innovations do not always live up to their promise so a 'wait and see' strategy may work, combined perhaps with partnerships or investments designed to keep options open.

What does the response "Attack back - disrupt the disruption" entail to a disruptive threat?

Not only emphasize and enhance their intrinsic advantages against the new entrant, but also to add further ones, changing the basis of the competition yet again.

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