Developing an innovation strategy - Innovation strategy and stakeholder satisfaction - Kano's feature analysis

6 important questions on Developing an innovation strategy - Innovation strategy and stakeholder satisfaction - Kano's feature analysis

Which categories are used in Kano's feature analysis?

  1. Basic features
  2. Performance features
  3. Excitement features, or Delighters

What are Excitement features, or Delighters?

A customer is unlikely to demand these features because they are not part of the way the product is normally  viewed, but when offered them he or she may be surprised and pleased. Such features often correspond to hidden needs. They give an extra, unexpected value and may be attractive out of all proportion to the objective benefits they give.

Where does customer or stakeholder satisfaction come from? And where does loyalty come from?

Satisfaction comes from the basic and performance features. Loyalty depends on delivering consistently superior performance, possibly accompanied by some excitement features.
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How can the features of a product be allocated to Kano's categories?

By using a simple questionnaire in which customers are asked how they would feel about a significant increase or decrease in their level of implementation (or possibly their presence or absence).

Strategic analysis should include a review of where key features will be on the Kano diagram in a few years time. But this rises two questions. Which questions?

  1. Whether the organization can continue to enhance the Performance features of the products and services it offers to stakeholders at the rate they require.
  2. Whether stakeholders, particularly customers, will continue to demand the same balance of features in future.

Which two challenges arise from the Kano diagram?

  1. The Capability Ceiling
  2. Feature Fatigue

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