Contrasting services with manufacturing - Characteristics of services - Managing quality in services

9 important questions on Contrasting services with manufacturing - Characteristics of services - Managing quality in services

Managing service quality includes what?

Recognizing that customers' and consumers' expectations and perceptions of a service depend on both the quality of the service product and the augmentation.

What is perceived service quality (PSQ)?

It is the customer's or consumer's perception that counts and not an organization's internal view of how good their services are.

What does the Gap Model provide?

The Gap Model provides provides a logical process by which service organizations can check whether customers' expectations are being met and it has been used extensively to diagnose service quality problems in a wide range of industries, including both pure services and services provided to support manufacturing products.
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Which domains are used for the Gap Model?

There is the organization's domain with concept of service and specification of quality. On the other side is the customer's domain with customer expectation, specification and perception of the service.

What is the main limitation of the Gap Model?

The limitation has been found to lie in the ambiguity of terms such as 'expectations', from a customer's perspective. This can result in inaccurate estimations of the gaps when these are measured via the questionnaire.

How can the size of the gaps be measured in the Gap Model?

The size of the gaps can be estimated  using the SERVQUAL questionnaire.

What is Gap 5 in the Gap Model?

The customer expectations lead to the customer's own specification of quality. If the customer's perceptions of what they receive do not match or exceed their expectations, this can lead to customer dissatisfaction.

What is Gap 3 in the Gap Model?

The difference between service-quality specifications and the service product actually delivered (this is determined by how the service product is implemented, including the service augmentation). Too often the product delivered differs considerably from the intention.

What is Gap 2 in the Gap Model?

The difference between management's concept of what customers expect and the organization's internal quality specifications. Managers' view on what customers expect and what is actually specified by an organization can be very different.

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