Hoofdaspecten van innovatiemanagement - Characteristics of innovation

6 important questions on Hoofdaspecten van innovatiemanagement - Characteristics of innovation

What is the definition of innovation developed by the OECD?

Innovation consists of all those scientific, technical, commercial and financial steps necessary for the successful development and new or improved processes or equipment or the introduction of a new approach to a social service. R&D is only one of these steps.

Name several dimensions of innovation. (Industry)

1. Product Innovation
2. Service Innovation
3. Manufacturing Process Innovation
4. Business Process Innovation
5. Business Model Innovation

Name five dimensions of innovation. (Services)

1. New Insurence Policies
2. Customer Profiling
3. Use of 3rd Parties
4. Channels
5. New Services
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How can the dimensions and degrees of innovation be evaluated?

The concepts of the dimensions and degrees of innovation can be used to analyse the competitiveness of individual innovation projects and also a company's portfolio of innovation projects.
This can be done with a Dimensions & Degree analysis.

Explain the relation between Innovation and Continuous Improvement.

Continuous incremental improvements to manufacturing processes or service operations can lead to higher-quality output at lower cost and may add up over time to significant increases performance.

It should be remembered that if incremental improvements are difficult to copy, then they give sustainable competitive advantage and should be classed as innovation.

Which functional areas should be involved in innovation throughout the organization?

- Research & Development
- Marketing
- Operations (both production and manufacturing)
- Finance and Accounting
- Human Resource Management
- Outside Resources

The task of general management is to stimulate the cross-functional teamwork that is needed for effective innovation.

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