Innovatie en economie - Factors mediating innovation

4 important questions on Innovatie en economie - Factors mediating innovation

Which factors have been found to be related to product innovation levels?

  • Company size
  • Market sector
  • Education levels and traits of national culture
  • Government policies to support innovation

How are market sectors and innovation related?

Different sectors require and support very different levels of R&D expenditure, reflecting the state of their markets and technologies.

How are government policies related to innovation?

Technology and innovation policy have become an integral part of government support for business and developed countries invest a considerable portion on their budgets in supporting research and technology in science and industry.
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In which three categories do government programs fit into?

  1. Programs to optimize the interface between science and industry
  2. Political measures to support the foundation of growth of more innovative companies
  3. The creation of new public bodies with a focus on innovation

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