Innovatie en economie - Economic measures of innovation

5 important questions on Innovatie en economie - Economic measures of innovation

How can you measure something like innovation that you cannot properly measure?

At the management level is that there is no generally applicable measure of innovation because innovation is a capability rather than an end in itself. Each company needs and uses innovation in a different way and to a different extent.

Name three possible economic measures of innovation.

1. Number of patents, per employee or over time
2. R&D expenditure as a percentage of sales
3. Number of new products

What are the advantages, limitations and implications of the economic measure "Number of patents, per employee or over time"?

- Data are readily available and can be analysed by industrial sector, country, etc.
- Useful (but not complete) measure of performance in research laboratories.

- Patents are a measure if invention, not of innovation
- Some companies chose not to apply for patents, as it is time-consuming and does not always offer good protection
- Patents are not of equal value. Many are effectively worthless

- It is useful to monitor the contents of patents filed by competitors
- Patent counts are used as an indication of a knowledge base in mergers and acquisitions
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What are the advantages, limitations and implications of the economic measure "R&D expenditure as a percentage of sales"?

- Data on investment levels are normally published in company annual reports
- Widely used

- An "input" measure, rather than a measure of result

- R&D spend of comparable competitors is a useful benchmar

What are the advantages, limitations and implications of the economic measure "Number of new products"?

- Is a measure of the output of R&D (but not strictly of innovation, unless product success is considered)
- Can include innovations sourced externally

- The meaning of 'new product' is equivocal (for example six different degrees of product innovation)
- Seldom available externally so comparisons with others are not easy

- Need to carefully define what counts as a new product
- Few companies use this measure to check the performance of their competitors

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