Developing an innovation strategy - Competition - Value innovation: Blue Ocean strategies

4 important questions on Developing an innovation strategy - Competition - Value innovation: Blue Ocean strategies

What is a Blue Ocean strategy?

It is to compete outside the normal market a company has worked in. Also called a value innovation.

How can the scope of a Blue Ocean strategy be detected?

By a Value Gap analysis.

What is the difference between disruptive innovations and Blue Ocean strategies?

The difference is that a disruptive technology offers a new technical capability and the particular interest is in how it may migrate from one market to another, completely dislodging existing players. A Blue Ocean, however, usually requires no new capabilities. The innovation comes from recognizing unmet, or over-met, needs and creating a new market, outflanking rather than demolishing other players.
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How can a Blue Ocean strategy be designed according to Kim and Mauborgne?

  • Look across at other segments of the market and combine the most attractive features of both, eliminating the rest
  • Look across at other industries that provide the same type of function in a different way
  • Target a different part of the buyer chain
  • Offer a different mix of emotional and functional needs
  • Reach out to the other products and services that are used with the product

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