Contrasting services with manufacturing - Characteristics of services

4 important questions on Contrasting services with manufacturing - Characteristics of services

What are the 12 GATT classifications of services?

  1. Business services
  2. Communication services
  3. Construction and related engineering services
  4. Distribution services
  5. Educational services
  6. Environmental services
  7. Financial services
  8. Health-related and social services
  9. Tourism and travel-related services
  10. Recreational, cultural and sporting services
  11. Transport services
  12. Other services

How is the customer's perception of the quality and utility of a service product called?

Service augmentation - the production and delivery mechanism for the service product.

What is augmented service offering?

The total package, consisting of the service product and the service augmentation, which is what consumers focus on when making their judgments on the quality of service.
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What are the three dimensions of the servicescape and what response follows out of them?

  1. Ambient conditions such as odors, air quality and temperature
    Physiological responses in the consumer
  2. Spatial layout of the facilities and their suitability for delivering the service
    Cognitive responses, which are the consumers' perspective of a service
  3. Signs/symbols and artifacts, such as the quality of the signage provided to travelers at an airport and the uniforms and appearance of the staff
    Emotional responses leading to satisfaction or dissatisfaction

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