Contrasting services with manufacturing - Characteristics of services - Service delivery

8 important questions on Contrasting services with manufacturing - Characteristics of services - Service delivery

Which employees interact with the consumer within services?

The front office interacts with the consumer and are responsible for the operations functions. The back office is the supporting function that do not have direct consumer contact.

What is "Product innovation or products" in services?

When used in the service sector, this term is synonymous with service innovation (new or improved service products).

What is "Process innovation" in services?

New or improved ways of producing and delivering service products.
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What is "New Service Development" in services?

The process of developing new or improved service products. The augmented service offering consists of both the service product itself and the service augmentation.

What is "R&D" in services?

Relatively seldom used in the service sector. Groups conducting research and new service development may be termed innovation departments.

What is "Manufacturing" in services?

Not applied to services in the past but the term is now being used by some UK banks.

What is "Operations" in services?

The facilities and organizations used to produce and deliver a service. Includes the human resources required. Normally, only the front-office is part of service delivery.

What is "Supply Chain" in services?

The network of organizations that supply materials and components to the manufacturer, plus the distribution channel that deliver the products to customers.

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