Chapter Seven

16 important questions on Chapter Seven

The three levels of policy-making are...

1. Organisational policy
2. Policy functional areas
3. Implementation

The four aspects of course determination are:

1. Exploration (rational, future focussed
2. Aspiration (emotional, future focussed)
3. Analysing (rational, focussed on present)
4. Living through/Awareness (emotional, focussed on present)

A positioning strategy is a strategy by measn of...

...which it is attempted to achieve a certain positioning
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Policy cycle/process steps:

1. Analysis
2. Planning (objectives & strategies)
3. Implementation
4. Evaluation

At the level of the organisation's policy...

...they can advise top management on numerous subjects with regard to the relationship of the organisation with the social environment

At the functional level of the policy...

...they provide a content to the policy for the functional area of communication and they advise with reagrd to other functional areas. Here, communication is described in a long-term policy plan

At the implementation level of the policy...

...communication experts are responsible for communication activities and they work together with other disciplines for numerous projects

A rough set-up of communication plan:

1. Analysis
2. Communication objectives and target groups
3. Communication strategy
4. Operational aspects

A strategy map consists of these four layers:

1. Organisational goals
2. Communication goals
3. Key processes
4. Learning & growth

To what extent is policy planning done top-down?

The top management decides on the broad outlines; the implementation is usually a decentralised activity. Planning requires a dialogue between the levels o the organisation

For which phase is the set-up of a communication plan presentated the most suitable?

The phase of initiative at the beginning of the planning

How can co-ordination be provided in the three domains of communication?

The final responsibility should lie with a member of the top management. He can also chair a coordinating body. A common vision and concrete points of departure must be formulated concerning communication policies, both on a central and a decentralised level, in the various domains of the organisation. Methods to adjust current activities to one another must be made

Why has communication not been organised along the same lines in every organisation?

Organisational strucutres and (degree of) decentralisation differs in each organisation, just as the opinions about outsourcing. The degree of professionalising communication differs according to the size of the organisation and the importance of communication for the organisation. The expertise present is different, as are the personal views of the management

Why is it not easy to select an agency when outsourcing communication tasks?

There is great diversity of bureaus from full-service to specialised and the differences in quality are not very transparent. The need for communicative support is not always voiced too clearly by the principal

Why is it always important to devote much attention to the contract and the briefing when outsourcing?

Clear expectations as regards the assignment will prevent the occurrence of disappointment later on. The bureau must be given sufficient background information in order to gain an insight in the organisation's specific problems. Next to this clear agreements about the finances are necessary, just as agreement about which of the bureaus's employees will be working for the organisation

Why does the horizontal mobility of the individual employee not only contribute to the motivation of the person concerned, but also to the professionalisation of the communication for the organisation?

Experience in various domains does not only widen the horizon of the employee involved, it can also contribute to quality increase in the communication in general. Developing knwoledge in one domain may instigate innovation in other domains

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