Cultural and value orientations - Hofstede's cultural dimensions - Individualism - collectivism

6 important questions on Cultural and value orientations - Hofstede's cultural dimensions - Individualism - collectivism

What is meant by individualism vs. collectivism?

The dimension describes the relationship between the individuals and the groups to which he or she belongs.

What is typical for individualistic cultures?

  • Individual goals over group goals
  • Self and personal achievement
  • Social behaviour guided by personal goals

What is typical for collectivistic cultures?

  • Serve ingroup by subordinating personal goals
  • People are expected to be interdependent and show conformity to ingroup norms and values
  • Characterized by extented primary groups such as family, neighbourhood.
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Where can you find more individualistic cultures and where collectivistic?

  • Western countries like NL, ENG, USA=> individualistic
  • Pakistan, China, Thailand => collectivistic

How does the indi vs. collect. dimension influence interaction?

  • Direct vs. indirect communication

How can you still be individualistic in a collectivistic culture?

Every individual also has his own orientation on self-concept, motivation, emotion and thinking. Cultural values + individual orientation => intercultural interaction.

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