Cultural and value orientations - Intercultural communication ethics

3 important questions on Cultural and value orientations - Intercultural communication ethics

What is the difference between ethical universalism and ethical relativism?

  • Ethical universalism: believe that here universal principles that guide behaviour across all societies regardless of time an circumstance.
  • Ethical relativism: values and norms are relative tot cultures and universal ethics do not exist.

What is the alternative of universalism and relativism of ethics?

Communicative ethical approach: views ethics as dynamic and changing. For example: slavery now no longer acceptable

What are the four ethical principles of guiding intercultural communication?

  1. Mutuality: understanding of other culture and empathy
  2. Non-judgementalism: express ourselves and be open-minded about other behaviours
  3. Honesty: see things as they are rather than as we would like them to be
  4. Respect: sensitivity and acknowledgement of other people's needs and wants

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