Cultural and value orientations - Hall's High- and low-context cultural dimension

3 important questions on Cultural and value orientations - Hall's High- and low-context cultural dimension

What is meant by Hall's High- and low-context cultural dimension?

The concept of high- and low-context culture relates to how an individual's thoughts, opinions, feelings and upbringing affect how they act within a given culture.

What is typical for low-context members?

North America and Western Europe are generally considered to have low-context cultures. This means that businesses in these places have direct, individualistic employees who tend to base decisions on facts. This type of businessperson wants specifics noted in contracts and may have issues with trust.

What is typical for high-context members?

High-context cultures are the opposite in that trust is the most important part of business dealings. There are areas in the Middle East, Asia and Africa that can be considered high context. Organizations that have high-context cultures are collectivist and focus on interpersonal relationships. Individuals from high-context cultures might be interested in getting to know the person they are conducting business with in order to get a gut feeling on decision making. They may also be more concerned about business teams and group success rather than individual achievement.

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