Cultural and value orientations - Kluckhohn and strodtbeck's value orientations

7 important questions on Cultural and value orientations - Kluckhohn and strodtbeck's value orientations

What are the four assumptions of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck?

  1. All humans face the same problems: relationships, time, activities and nature
  2. Humans use different means tot solve them
  3. Means to address problems are limited
  4. Value orientation are behaviourally observable

What are the three different relationships with nature?

  1. Subordinate to Nature . People really can't change nature. Life is largely determined by external forces, such as fate and genetics. What happens was meant to happen.
  2. Harmony with Nature (Arabic, Japan). Man should, in every way, live in harmony with nature.
  3. Dominant over Nature (Western). It the great human challenge to conquer and control nature.  Everything from air conditioning to the "green revolution" has resulted from having met this challenge.

What three activity purposes are distinguished by the activitiy orientation?

  1. Being. It's enough to just "be."  It's not necessary to accomplish great things in life to feel your life has been worthwhile.
  2. Becoming. The main purpose for being placed on this earth is for one's own inner development.
  3. Doing . If people work hard and apply themselves fully, their efforts will be rewarded. What a person accomplishes is a measure of his or her worth.
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What three options are there to cope with time?

  1. Past. People should learn from history, draw the values they live by from history, and strive to continue past traditions into the future.
  2. Present. The present moment is everything.  Let's make the most of it.  Don't worry about tomorrow: enjoy today.
  3. Future. Planning and goal setting make it possible for people to accomplish miracles, to change and grow. A little sacrifice today will bring a better tomorrow.

What are the possible answers for human nature?

  1. Evil. Most people can't be trusted. People are basically bad and need to be controlled.
  2. Mixed. There are both evil people and good people in the world, and you have to check people out to find out which they are. People can be changed with the right guidance.
  3. Good. Most people are basically pretty good at heart; they are born good.

What is the question of relational orientation?

What is the best form of social organization?

What are the three different relations?

  1. Hierarchical. There is a natural order to relations, some people are born to lead, others are followers. Decisions should be made by those in charge.
  2. Collateral. The best way to be organized is as a group, where everyone shares in the decision process. It is important not to make important decisions alone.
  3. Individual. All people should have equal rights, and each should have complete control over one's own destiny. When we have to make a decision as a group it should be "one person one vote."

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