Cultural and value orientations - Hofstede's cultural dimensions

7 important questions on Cultural and value orientations - Hofstede's cultural dimensions

How do we basically distinguish the dominant values of masc. and fem. cultures?

Assertive or nurturing

What are typical masculine and feminine values?

  • Sexe roles: Maximal distinction between men and women behaviour vs. overlapping social roles for the sexes
  • Attitude: Assertiveness, competition and succes vs. quality of life, interpersonal relationships, concern for the weak

What is meant by power distance?

The extent to which a culture tolerates inequality in power distribution.
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What differences can be mentioned between high and low power distance cultures?

  • Inequalities expected and desired vs. emphasizing equality among people: vb: adress manager by surname vs. first name.
  • Vertical relationships (authoritarianism) vs. Horizontal relationships (less differences in social interactions)

What reflects the uncertainty avoidance dimension?

The acceptance of risk and tolerance of ambiguity.

What are the differences between high and low uncertainty-avoidance cultures?

  • High uncertainty-avoidance: active and security seeking ; often collectivistic cultures
  • Low uncertainty-avoidance: accepting personal risks, unemotional, less aggressive, could also be collectivistic because of feeling group help in risk situations.

Why is the long-term and short-term orientation relevant to managers?

It influences the motivation of people. Chinees people live in a long-term culture, a manager could motivate them by giving them a retirement fund because of their respect to save and look in the future. Western people are more motivated by short-term funds like a monthly bonus.

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