Verbal communication and culture - The components and characteristics of verbal codes

4 important questions on Verbal communication and culture - The components and characteristics of verbal codes

What are verbal codes?

Verbal codes refer to spoken or written language: a set of rules governing the use of words creating a message.

What are the five interrelated components of language?

  1. Phonology: organization of sounds
  2. Morphology: combination of basic units (morphemes) to create words
  3. Syntax: grammatical and structural rules of language
  4. Semantics: meaning of words (1. denotation = literal; 2. connotation = cultural/emotional)
  5. Pragmatics: impact of language on human perception and behaviour

How is communication symbolic , but are not all symbols linguistic?

Symbols (like signs) are not completely arbitrary (no rules for the meaning), but there are limits they can communicate. But there is no natural relationship between a word (cow) and its eigenschap (animal on four legs).
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What are the five common characteristics of languages?

  1. All languages have some way of naming objects, places or things
  2. way of naming action
  3. way of stating the negative
  4. systematic set of sounds combined with set of rules to create meaning with relationship between sound and alphabet
  5. set of formal grammatical rules for combining sounds and words to create meaning

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