The influence of culture on perception - Perception and intercultural communication

5 important questions on The influence of culture on perception - Perception and intercultural communication

What is the result of selecting, structuring and give meaning to information influenced by culture?

Ethnocentrism which can lead to stereotypes, prejudice and even racism.

How do we overcome the barriers to intercultural communication created by stereotypes, prejudice and racism?

We need to practise cultural relativism and keep an open mind when interacting with people from different cultures.

What is wrong about stereotypes?

They are overgeneralizations and thus may be wrongly generalized to some members of the group.
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Why are stereotypes not individual judgements?

Stereotypes are forms of social consensus, we do not contribute them ourselves, we contribute to the consensus that perpetuates them.

What is a prejudice?

Prejudice is negative attitude towards individuals resulting from stereotypes.

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