PowerPoint - Exercis Video –Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration

6 important questions on PowerPoint - Exercis Video –Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration

How has the Universal Declaration of Human Rights influenced the development of human rights standards?

The Declaration has served as a model for the human rights provisions of many countries' constitutions and has inspired further human rights codes, treaties, and measures within the United Nations.

What is one major failure of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

One major failure of the Declaration is in education, as many people are unaware of their entitled rights and the document has no binding force of its own.

According to Mary Ann Glendon, what was the spirit that led to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

The spirit that led to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was the affirmation of universal values despite deep divisions across a range of issues.
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What arguments does Mary Ann Glendon put forward in support of the universality of human rights?

Mary Ann Glendon argues that there are certain things that are universally good and that no one would dissent from them in principle, as well as certain things that are universally atrocious and that everybody would condemn.

Are universal human rights infringing on specific national, religious, or cultural traditions? Or are they instead a condition for these traditions to be able to thrive, express themselves, and evolve?

Universal human rights can be seen as a condition for specific national, religious, or cultural traditions to thrive, express themselves, and evolve, rather than infringing on them.

In your region of the world, are human rights seen as an exogenous/foreign product, or are they seen as reflecting shared concerns related to the dignity of human beings?

The perception of human rights in different regions of the world may vary, but they can be seen as reflecting shared concerns related to the dignity of human beings rather than being seen as an exogenous/foreign product.

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