Cayla & Eckhardt (2007): Asian brands without borders: regional opportunities and challenges

14 important questions on Cayla & Eckhardt (2007): Asian brands without borders: regional opportunities and challenges

What is the purpose of the paper by Cayla & Eckhardt(2007)?

This study aims to analyze Asian branding strategies at the regional level, and provide a map of opportunities and challenges for Asian regional branding.

What is meant by regional branding practices?

The set of firm practices designed to increase a brand’s equity in the region

Why does studying the development of Asian brands becomes particularly relevant?

Because more and more Asian firms increasingly concentrate on branding and image management to fuel their expansion
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Which two challenges for the regional Asian branding are mentioned?

  1. Country of origin perceptions
    • Perceptions of Asian countries and products can be quite negative
    • Branding is reassuring consumers that Asian brands can carry status
  2. Regional positionings are inherently fragile
    • In China you need either to be local or to be international, middle ground is grey and risky
    • The challenge of being stuck between the two strong positions of the global and local

Which methodological approach is used and why?

The interpretive approach is used.
  • The objective of interpretive marketing research is the articulation of theory, and typically uses qualitative methods.
  • This is especially relevant in contexts that have not been well studied and where exploratory research is needed

What are 3 reasons for the perceptions of Asian countries and products being quite negative?

  • Due to the history of the region (second world war for example)
  • Due to a history of poor quality in the past
  • Feelings of superiority from one country versus another permeate the region (doordringen)

The research is designed to gain both depth and breadth of understanding. How did the authors achieve both goals?

  • Focus on two brands:
    • A Singaporean beer with ambitions to be the regional leader in its product category (Tiger Beer)
    • A travel portal targeting Asian audiences (Zuji).
  • Performed in-depth interviews with executives working on a wide variety of Asian branding campaigns in a wide variety of positions and companies. Selected managers with experience in regional marketing strategy in the Asian region.

What are three opportunities for creating a regional Asian brand?

  1. Focus on Asian modernity
    • Regional appealing brand are built by invoking different cultural references and by using contemporary Asian symbolism
    • Focussing on a vision of the future
  2. Capitalizing on newfound Asian pride and confidence
    • Many global fashion trends are actually emerging in Asia rather than the West
  3. Using a Western stamp of approval to signal to Asians the viability of the brand
    • Asian brands are signaling their high quality and prestige by using what we call Western stamps of approval
    • It is a defining dimension for the development of regional Asian brands

How do the brands Zuji and Tiger Beer focus on Asian modernity?

Zuij: Relying on a mix of cultural symbols from different Asian cultures, allow Zuji to be subtly associated with Asia

Tiger Beer: Portraying an image of Asianness that cannot be identified with any one country, a multicultural process is used.

With regional brands, managers try to reach a balance between the quotidian (alledaags) and the compellingly distant. The power and attraction of regional brands depend on ......? And what does it entail?

Depends on close distance: The ability to appear at once distant and familiar.

What are the three key insights (and implications for international branding)?

  1. Rather than relying on an exotic notion of Asia, the Asian brands we studied are imbued with modern notions of what it means to be Asian
  2. The development of regional brands seems to take two varying approaches:
    1. Focus on single culture that appeals to the entire region
    2. Focus on multicultural process: Diversity, brand without borders
  3. Asian brands are somehow stuck between pride and prejudice
    1. Asia leading centre of economic and cultural activity
    2. Negative perceptions of Asianness (history of manufacturing low-price products)

How can regional brands create close distance? And why would thay want to achieve this?

Create through the hybrid brand development process: A mix of cultural symbols and associations that fuel aspiration and identification

This is one way that brands can achieve a regional presence while overcome the paradox of a region having homogeneity in some dimensions and heterogeneity in others

How can regional brands create close distance? And why would thay want to achieve this?

Create through the hybrid brand development process: A mix of cultural symbols and associations that fuel aspiration and identification

This is one way that brands can achieve a regional presence while overcome the paradox of a region having homogeneity in some dimensions and heterogeneity in others

In which three ways does this paper contribute to international marketing theory and practice?

  • Extending previous work on the globalization of marketing activities by advancing the region as an important unit of analysis
  • Helping understand the development of brands in a part of the world that is becoming more important at the economic and political level
  • Showing how marketers are shaping culture in the Asian context. Illuminating the type of Asian modernity brands promote: an East Asian, urban and multicultural modernity

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