John et al. (2006): Brand Concept Maps: A Methodology for Identifying Brand Association Networks

9 important questions on John et al. (2006): Brand Concept Maps: A Methodology for Identifying Brand Association Networks

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Brand Concept Maps (BCM)?

  • Interviewers need minimal training
  • Respondents can complete the mapping procedure in a relatively short time
    • Making the technique suitable for many data collection settings and affording the opportunity to collect larger samples than ZMET
  • BCM provides flexibility
  • Enables firms to collect brand maps for different market segments or geographic areas

  • Associations that require more in-depth probing are unlikely to surface with this technique.
  • Reliability and validity of consensus brand maps using BCM requires examination

Explain short the three stages of consumer mapping for the BCM?

  • Election stage: Researchers identify important associations (through consumer research or short survey)
  • Mapping stage: Respondents asked to choose their associations towards the brand, can also add some
  • Aggregation stage: Individual brand maps are combined to obtain consensus map

What is the goal of Study 1 conducted in the paper by John et al. (2006)?

  • Illustrating the use of the BCM in an actual branding application (Mayo Brand)
  • Obtained evidence of reliability and validity. Does it have predictive validity?
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Explain short the three stages of consumer mapping for the ZMET?

  • Election stage: 20-25 participant, collecting min. 12 pictures, week later 2 hour personal interview
  • Mapping stage: Interviewer reviews everyting, participants asked to create a map
  • Aggregations stage: Researchers construct consensus map across respondents

What is the main conclusion about the BCM method?

The BCM method offers a new option for consumer mapping techniques. It delivers a consensus brand map, which identifies the most important (core) associations that consumers connect to the brand and how these associations are interconnected.

Unlike methods such as ZMET, our approach gathers consumer perceptions using structured elicitation, mapping, and aggregation procedures.

Which advantages of the BCM method allow for the construction of consensus brand maps for different market segments, geographic segments, or constituencies?

The advantages of standardization:
  • The aggregation process involves the relatively straightforward use of decision rules
  • Obtaining a consensus brand map is less time consuming and less subjective
  • It does not require specialized statistical training

In what way could the BCM and ZMET method be combined?

ZMET is unstructured and allows consumers complete freedom to express their brand perceptions.
  • ZMET could be used for developing a set of brand associations, and the BCM could then be used to structure the mapping and aggregation stages, providing a more efficient way to develop a consensus brand map

How can be evaluated whether consumer
perceptions of the brand have changed as a result of branding programs or competitive activity?

By repeating the BCM method on a long-term basis

Which kind of associations in brand maps are most important to focus management efforts on to build, leverage, and protect brands?

The core brand associations, especially those linked directly to the brand

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