Kara et al. (2018): We share; we connect: how shared brand consumption influences relational brand connections

10 important questions on Kara et al. (2018): We share; we connect: how shared brand consumption influences relational brand connections

How do the findings of these two studies contribute to research on identity-related brand consumption?

By showcasing how shared brand consumption and marital satisfaction influence relational brand connections and the perceived importance of the brand to the marital relationship

What is examined in the paper by Kata et al. (2018) and where is this coming from?

This paper examines how married individuals form connections with brands that they consume or use together with their spouses.
  • This is based on the fact that it seems likely that consumers may form particularly strong relationships with brands that they consume together with people they love and care for

What is examined in the paper by Kata et al. (2018) and where is this coming from?

This paper examines how married individuals form connections with brands that they consume or use together with their spouses.
  • This is based on the fact that it seems likely that consumers may form particularly strong relationships with brands that they consume together with people they love and care for
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In which three ways contribute the paper by Kara et al. (2018) to the literature?

  1. Shared brand consumption may facilitate a sense of consumption interdependence that is reflected as a relational connection to the brand, which reflects a consumer's perceived couple level connection with the brand (this brand reflects who we are)
  2. This paper sheds light on how the nature of the shared consumption context (i.e., special vs. mundane shared brand consumption) influences how connected the consumer feels to the brand
  3. Examining the role of interpersonal relationship satisfaction (i.e., marriage satisfactiofor the strength of brand connections, thus showcase how and when interpersonal relationship influence brand relationships

Which 3 aspects are examined in Study 1?

Testing hypotheses 1 - 4. Examine:
  • How shared brand consumption influences the strength of the relational brand connection and how relational brand connection, in turn, affects the perceived importance of the brand to the marital relationship
  • How marital satisfaction influences the formation of the relational brand connection
  • How perceived importance of the brand to the marital relationship influences brand attitudes, purchase intentions, brand affect, and separation distress if the brand is discontinued

Explain the conceptual framework of the study by Kara et al. (2018).

  • On the left we see relational brand consumption:
    • Using the brand together
    • Type of shared brand use (special vs mundane (alledaags))
  • In the middle we see relational brand connotations:
    • Relational Brand Connection
    • Perceived Relational Importance of the brand
  • On the right we see individual brand outcomes
    • Brand Attitudes
    • Purchase Intentions
    • Brand Affect
    • Seperation Distress
  • On the top we see Interpersonal Relationship Satisfaction as moderator

What are the two main results of Study 1?

  • Relational brand connections influence the perceived importance of the brand to the marital relationship which, subsequently, increases favourable attitudes, purchase intentions, affect towards the brand, and expected separation distress experienced if the brand is discontinue
  • Special shared brand consumption increases consumers’ relational brand connections, compared to mundane shared brand consumption, and that this effect of special over mundane shared consumption is not influenced by the degree of marital satisfaction

What are the 3 theoretical implications (conclusions) of the paper by Kara et al. (2018)?

  • A consumer who uses a brand with his or her spouse forms a relational connection with that brand as a consequence of the shared nature of the brand consumption
  • The more satisfied the individual consumer is with his or her marriage, the stronger the effect of shared brand consumption on the formational of relational brand connection
  • Special shared brand consumption has a more positive effect on consumers' relational brand connection then mundane shared consumption for consumers

What are the 3 managerial implications of the paper by Kara et al. (2018)?

  • Firms would benefit strategically from considering the relational aspects of their brand's consumption, particularly effective in mundane product categories
  • Brands in more experiential categories, such as restaurants, may be able to elevate their experiential brand attributes and create competitive advantage by focusing on how relational partners can consume the brand as a part of their special occasions and shared leisure activities
  • Firms could also benefit from directly encouraging consumers to include brands into their relational identity by creating advertising campaigns that focus on shared brand consumption

What are the 3 theoretical implications (conclusions) of the paper by Kara et al. (2018)?

  • A consumer who uses a brand with his or her spouse forms a relational connection with that brand as a consequence of the shared nature of the brand consumption
  • The more satisfied the individual consumer is with his or her marriage, the stronger the effect of shared brand consumption on the formational of relational brand connection
  • Special shared brand consumption has a more positive effect on consumers' relational brand connection then mundane shared consumption for consumers

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