Pogacar et al. (2021): Is Nestlé a Lady? The Feminine Brand Name Advantage

13 important questions on Pogacar et al. (2021): Is Nestlé a Lady? The Feminine Brand Name Advantage

What is examined in the paper by Pogacar et al. (2021)?

This research examines the effects of brand names gender associations on three important brand outcomes:
  • Attitudes
  • Choice
  • Performance

On which aspects can be decided if a brand name is feminine or masculine?

  • Length
  • Sound
  • Stress

Why is a brand name a really important aspect of a brand?

It represents a consumer’s first point of contact and can therefore drive initial impressions, associations, and expectations. Making a good first impression is important and can have cumulative, lasting benefits.
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What is the goal of the research by Pogacar et al. (2021)?

The authors propose a new mechanism by which the linguistic characteristics of a name influence gender associations and subsequent brand outcomes

What are the 2 main theoretical and substantive contributions of the article by Pogacar et al. (2021)?

  1. Contribute to the literature on brand name linguistics. Introducing a more nuanced approach to studying how names influence gender perceptions
  2. Adding to the Stereotype Content Model literature by demonstrating that linguistic features of a brand name can result in the transfer of associated stereotypes to a brand

Which 4 hypotheses are stated in the article by Pogacar et al. (2021) and are they supported or not?

  1. H1: Brand name femininity is associated with positive brand outcomes (attitudes, choice, and performance)
  2. H2: Perceived brand warmth mediates the feminine brand name advantage
  3. H3: The feminine brand name advantage is attenuated when the typical user is male (when using which name)
  4. H4: The feminine brand name advantage is stronger for hedonic than utilitarian products

All hypotheses are supported.

Explain the conceptual model of the study by Pogacar et al. (2021).

  • On the top: The effect of brand name gender on attitude, and the effect mediated by warmth
  • On the left: Moderation typical user gender included
  • On the right: Moderator product category included

What is examined in Study 2 and what were the results?

  • Examination: Testing if the feminine brand name advantage is mediated by warmth perceptions
  • Results: Feminine brand names are positively associated with warmth, which is positively associated with brand attitudes. The direct effect of brand name gender on attitude was not significant.
    • Supporting H2

What is examined in Study 3a and 3b and what were the results?

  • Examination:
    • 3a: Testing the effect of name gender on participants’ choice of a video to watch
    • 3b: Testing whether the feminine brand name advantage holds for financially consequential choices
  • Results: Further evidence for the feminine brand name advantage in the context of consumer choices with tangible consequences for both time and money

What are the main conclusions of the paper by Pogacar et al. (2021)?

  • Feminine brand names increase perceived warmth, which is associated with more favorable attitudes and increased choice for both real and fictitious brands
  • Feminine brand names enhance attitudes and choice share and are associated with better brand performance.
  • The feminine brand name advantage is neutralized when the typical product user is male and is stronger for hedonic (gevoel) than for utilitarian (nuttig) products
    • Feminine names are preferred by both men and women for products that are used by both genders and are equally desirable as masculine names for products used by men.

What is examined in Study 4 and what were the results?

  • Examination: Testing a potential boundary condition: typical user gender. When a product is typically used by men rather than women, the feminine brand name advantage may be attenuated (verzwakt).
  • Results: The feminine brand name advantage is neutralized when the typical user is male, and attitudes toward linguistically masculine and feminine brand names are equally positive.
    • Supporting H3

What is examined in Study 5 and what were the results?

  • Examination: Testing boundary condition: product category. The effects should be larger for product categories in which warmth is an especially valued attribute
  • Results: Linguistically feminine names produced more favorable attitudes toward hedonic than utilitarian products
    • Supporting H4

Which 4 hypotheses are stated in the article by Pogacar et al. (2021) and are they supported or not?

  1. H1: Brand name femininity is associated with positive brand outcomes (attitudes, choice, and performance)
  2. H2: Perceived brand warmth mediates the feminine brand name advantage
  3. H3: The feminine brand name advantage is attenuated when the typical user is male (when using which name)
  4. H4: The feminine brand name advantage is stronger for hedonic than utilitarian products

All hypotheses are supported.

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