Political & economic environment

14 important questions on Political & economic environment

By what is the trade policy of EU-members primarily determined?

The Common Trade Policy of the European Union

In which two ways is free trade restricted?

  1. Regional trading arrangements
  2. Protectionism

What is good about free trade of goods and services for the customer?

Competition between imported and local products lowers prices and increases quality
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What is the objective of a regional trading arrangement?

Reducing barriers to trade between the member countries. .They merely remove tariffs on intrabloc trade in goods.

When looking at regional trading arrangements, what forms of cooperation are there?

  1. Free-trade bloc
  2. Customs union
  3. Common Market
  4. Economic & monetary union

Name the advantages of a free-trade bloc

  • Efficient use of factors of production
  • Stimulation of competition
  • Prevention of trade wars
  • Promotion of trade and investment
  • Promotion of welfare

What is a common market?

The EU is a common market. There is free traffic of goods, factors of production and services within the 27 EU countries. On all product originating in the EU, no import duties are levied.

How many member states of the EU use the euro as their currency?


Name 4 important tariff measures (protectionism)

  1. Import duties
  2. Turnover tax (VAT)
  3. Excise duties
  4. Preferential tariff measures

Name 6 important non-tariff measures (protectionism)

  1. Customs formalities
  2. Technical requirements
  3. Administrative procedures
  4. Quality requirements
  5. Export restrictions
  6. Subsidies

What is a trade embargo?

There is a ban on trading with a certain country for socio-political reasons (for example).

What do the UN aim for?

The international organization is aiming for cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace.

What does the WTO aim for?

It strives to promote the liberalisation of world trade.

What does the IMF aim for? (The International Monetary Fund is a specialist financial organisation of the UN)

The International Monetary Fund is an association of 186 countries that encourage worldwide monetary collaboration. The Fund's most important objective is to ensure the stability of the international monetary and financial system. Further, it strives for free international trade, high employment, sustainable economic development and the reduction of world poverty.

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