Core concepts - Types of Multinational enterprises (MNEs)

4 important questions on Core concepts - Types of Multinational enterprises (MNEs)

What is an centralized exporter?

A home-country-managed firm that builds upon a tradition of selling products internationally, out of a limited number of facilities in the home country, and with only minor, usually customer-oriented, value creating activities abroad. Standardized products manufactured at home emody the firm's FSA and make the exporting firm successful in international markets

What is an international projector?

Knowledge-based FSAs developed in the home country are transferred to subsidiaries in host countries. The international projector MNE seeks international expansion by projecting its home country success recipes abroad.

What is an international coordinator?

The international coordinator builds upoan a tradition of managing international operations, both upstream and downstream, through a tightly controlled but still felxible logistics function. International operations are specialized in specific value-added activities and form vertical value chains across borders. The MNE’s key FSAs are in efficiently linking these geographically dispersed operations through seamless logistic
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What is an multi-centred MNE?

The multi-centred MNE consists of a set of entrepreneurial subsidiaries abroad, which are key to knowledge-based FSA development. National responsiveness is the foundation of the international strategy. The non-location-bound FSAs that hold these firms together are minimal: common financial governance and the identity and specific business interests of the founders or main owners (typically entrepreneurial families or financial investors).

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