The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1949-2014

26 important questions on The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1949-2014

What are the four Arab-Israeli wars discussed in this chapter?

1956 Suez-Sinai Crisis ; 1967 June War ; 1973 October War ; 1982 Lebanon War.

What did Israel do after the First Arab-Israeli war?

They focussed on Nation-and state building -> absorb more Jews to Israel - achieve economic self-sufficiency - find ally (France; though they didn't give weapons due to Tripartite Agreement in 1950).

What did the Arab States do after the war?

They focussed on nation-and state building, since they were struggling for independence or had just achieved independence or the goverment was delegitimzed due to the defeat and open to radical challenges (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt).
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In 1952 king Farouk of Egypt was overthrown what happend and why was it of importance?

They wanted to replace the monarchy with a progressive republic. The new prime minister Naguib and From October 1954 his successor Nasser instituted far-reaching reforms.

Israel welcomed the changes in Egypt and saw a window of opportunity in the search for peach -> secret negotiations. But, they were not successful

The negotiation failed, an important event is the 1954 Lavon affair. What did this entail?

Israel's defence minister Lavon sceemed an attack on British and American property in Egypt by Israeli agents and Egyptian Jews in order to creat discord between Egypt and the West. To avoid Nasser from negotiating a withdrawal of British troops from the Suez Canal zone(the buffer between Egypt and Israel). The saboteurs were caught.

What was the consequence of the Lavon affair?

Together with the end of back-channel talks and the growing tensions the leaders of both countries decided that a second military round was imminent. Israel launched the Gaza-raid in 1955 against Egypt. The Gaza raid was a retaliation for killing a cyclist.

What was Egypt's reaction?

Egypt turned to the Soviet Block for arms and in September 1955 the Czech arms deal was concluded.

While the Egyption-Israeli tension were increasing, Egypt's relation with th West also detoriated. Why?

France: Nasser support the Algerian nationalist movement. France wanted to remove Nasser to hold on to Algeria.
Britain: believed that Nasser was turning Arab states against the West and thus threatened its position.
US: had doubts about the Czech arms deal -> Egypt could slide into the communist camp. Therefor the US decided to cancel its funding of the Aswan Dam

What were the Casus belli for different countries?

Britain and France: nationalization of the Suez Canal -> US had stopped funding the Aswan Dam, by nationalizing the Suez Canal there would be money to finance the dam. Loss of Suez Canal was tantamount to loss of empire for Britain and France -> they had to protect their presence.
Israel: Closure of the Straits of Tiran in September 1955.  Israel wanted to show its strenght through retaliation and Ben Gurian wanted to change the status quo in the Middle East.

How did the Suez-Sinai campaign evolve?

On 29 October 1956 Israeli troops crossed into the Sinai and they reached the Suez Canal. Britain and France issued an ultimatum for both sides to withdraw, but Nasser rejected and this let to British and French bombings. They were condemned for their agression in the UN.

How did the Suez Crisis end?

US intervened with pressure and France and Britain lost. Israel emerged as a regional superpower. Moreover, US was disapponted by France and Britain who had threatened their oil supplies and relations with Arab states.

Britain and France lost influence and a power vacuum was filled by the US and the USSR. A next war was just a matter of time.

What are the long-term consequences of the June War?

- Israel's quest for security and recognition.
- Arab state's belief that they could defeat Israel if sufficiently armed.

What are different explanations of the June war?

- It was an accident (a pre-emptive strike by Israel).
- it was due to Israel's quest for hegemony and territory.
- Nasser is to blame.
- It is the result of American-Soviet manipulation.

How did the Six-Day war evolve?

It started with a pre-emptive strike of Israel. After having gained complete air superiority the IDF(ISrael Defence Forces) crossed into the Sinai and the West back.

There was a lack of co-ordination between Arab states, so Israel could defeat Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

What was the outcome of the Six-Day war?

Israel won and got control over the Sinai, the West bank, The Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

It discredited the Arab leaders and notions of Arab unity and let to many refugees.

The gap between Israel and Arab states was widened.

What were the consequences of the June War in Arab states?

- disunity in Arab was shown, local nationalism prevailed over pan-Arabism.
- economic problems -> change and ideological reorientation (political Islam and economic and political liberazation).

What was the response of the Arab states in the ongoing conflict?

1. negotiation to end the conflict e.g. Egypt under Sadat
2. Further militarization: seek strategic parity and a military solution. e.g. Syria.
3. Neither pursue open confrontation nor official negotiation. e.g. Jordan and Lebanon.

What was the cause of the 1973 war?

The 1973 war(the Jom-Kipour war) was caused by Sadat's search for peace.
Sadat wanted to distance himself from Nasser and to improve the economy. Peace with Israel would make Egypt regain the Sinai. 1971: Sadat offered to open the Suez Canal, to declare a cease-fire and to start negotiations.

Israel rejected: new boundaries were vital for its security.

Solution of Sadat: an attack on Israel to break the attitude of Israel.

How did the 1973 october war start?

6 October 1973 an Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack on Israel.

How did the 1973 october war evolve?

Israel underestimated Arab frustration and thought Arabs were week. But, Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal and Syrian forces invaded the Golan heights.

Israel was only able to drive back the Arab forces due to US aid.

What was the outcome of the 1973 war?

With the cease-fire on 22 October, the borders were reaffirmed.
-Egyptian confidence had grown and Israel was shaken.
- The power gap was sufficiently closed to bring both sides to the negotiating table.

- 1979: Arab-Israeli peace treaty on the basis of land for peace.

What was the consequence of the 1979 peace treaty

- Egypt was expelled from the Arab league and Assat was assassinated.
- Egyptian-Israeli relations improved
- Israeli-Syrian relations escalated into an arms race.

What triggered israel's plans for invasion in lebanon?

Israel needed a clear provocation to which it could respond -> assassination attempt on 3 June 1982 on the Israeli ambassador in London.

After this Operation peace for Galilee was launched

What were Israel's actual claims in the 1982 Lebanon War?

- expell Palestinian presence from Lebanon.
- Create a new political order in Lebanon by establishing a Maronite(christian) government under Gemayel.
- Expulsion of Syrian groups
- destruction of Palestinian nationalism in the West bank and Gaza strip

What is the 'Roadmap for peace'?

It is a plan by the Quartet, EU, US, UN, Russia of July 2002 to ultimately create a safe and secure Israel co-existing with a viable, sovereign and democratic Palestine.

What was the result of the Roadmap?

Both parties endorsed the play, but it has not yet been implemented. In the absence of a political solution, volence on the ground only intensified.

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