The end of the Cold war and the new world order

5 important questions on The end of the Cold war and the new world order

When did the first Gulf War take place?

1990-1991. It started with the Iraqi invasion on Kuwait on 2 August 1990 and on 27 February 1991 a cease-fire was declared

Why was the first Gulf war an important event?

-it was the irst conflict of the post-cold war environment
-it was the first challenge to the evolvin unipolar world with US dominance

What was the reaction of the international community to the Kuwait invasion?

First diplomatic moves and sanctions aimed at compelling Iraq to withdraw voluntarily. Eventually 'Operation Desert Storm' was launched by an American-led multinational coalition to liberate Kuwait militarily
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What is the legacy of this Gulf War?

Other attempts to resolve post-Cold War conflicts were based on strategy followed in this War, namely by the use of an overwhelming air power.

What does the 'new world order' entail?

It is the idea that the Cold War was replaced by US hegemony. Washington would impose its values for good or for ill on the rest of the world. In the post-war international order, the US dominated.

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