US decline in a globalized world?

15 important questions on US decline in a globalized world?

Why did the Americans launch a military campaign in Afghanistan?

The attacks on 9/11 were traced back to Al-Quada who had been provided with sancutary by Afghanistan's Taliban movement. The Americans wanted to dislodge the Taliban.

What is the aim of the 'War on terror'?

It focussed on cutting the logistical and financial links between Islamic militants.

What does the Bush Doctrine entails?

It is the argument of Bush that the US should reserve to itself the right to take pre-emptive action against potential security threats.
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What did Bush say in his 2002 State of the Union Address

He accused Iran, Iraw and North Korea of constituting an axis of evil.

Why did the US intend to withdraw from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty?

This would enable them to build a new missile defence system to protect themself from nuclear strikes by 'rogue states'. The US was concerned about states that were pursuiing the acquisition of weapons of Mass destruction(WMD).

What are Weapons of Mass destruction?

WMD are commonly understood to be nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Nuclear weapons made their first appearance at the end of WWII. Nuclear bombs are the only weapons genuinely capable of mass destruction. The term denotes the stigma associated with the development and use of these particular weapons, however, more than offering an accurate description of the scale of their destructive effects. Some people argue that they should be called weapons of mass terror.

What is the Arab spring?

a series of rebellions in northern Africa and the Middle East that brought down a number of dictatorial regimes in what appeared to be a wave of democracy.

When did the Arab spring begin?

It began on 17 December 2010 in Tunis with the self-immolation of Mohammed Bouazizi. This led to a series of popular anti-government protests that brought down the government of Ben Ali. Protests spread after that.

In which countries did the Arab spring take place?

It started in Tunis, and than spread to Algeria, Morocco, Bahrain and Yemen. It also inspired Egyptians, who gathered on Tahrir Square on 25 January 2011. Eventually Mubarak had to transfer his powers to the army. And protests erupted in Libya and Syria.

How did the US decide to an attack on Iraq in 2003?

The US wanted to remove Saddam, in 2002 Bush had already gotten permission from the House of Representatives and the Senate to use force against Iraq.

The US wanted support from the International community, but the UN didn't give authorization to use force at first.

But the US still felt the threat of Iraq and therefor on 20 March 2003 Operation Iraqi Freedam was launched.

How did the Iraqi invasion end?

It ended after a year of rule by the Coalition Occupation Authority.
in June 2004 Iraq became an independent state and a new constitution was approved.

After the Iraqi invasion there was an ever worsening wave of sectarian violence, what are the reasons?

1. US tried to impose its own political system on Iraq.
2. If Iraq would become democratic than the Shi'a majority would be in power, leaving the Sunni minority which had traditionally dominated. So Sunni militants took up arms.
3. After the occupation the Iraqi army and the Ba'ath Party were baned -> disgruntled and unemployed men with military and political training.

By 2006 virtual civil-war conditions existed.

What was operation enduring freedom?

A new intervention in Afghanistan. Due to the resurgence of the Taliban -> Obama considered the Afghanistan war a necessary war.

What was the outcome of the war on terror?

There was no clear resolution in sight. There was a uncertain outcome of this war. Examplified by the killing of Osama Bin Laden

What does ASEAN has to do with the war on terror?

After terrorist bombings on a club in bali ASEAN tried to formulate a security response. They tried to deal with the Jemaah Islamiyya(JI) -> but different counter-terror strategies, no uniform approach.

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