International cooperation: The Bretton Woods Institutions - The World Bank
9 important questions on International cooperation: The Bretton Woods Institutions - The World Bank
The World Bank should not be confused with the World Bank Group, of which the World Bank is part.
Of what does the World Bank Group Consist of? Name 5
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD
- International Development Association IDA
- The International Finance Cooperation - IFC
- The international Centre for Settlement of Investment disputes - ICSID
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency - MIGA
What are the goals of the World Bank Group?
- The group aims to provide low interest or zero interest loans to developing countries.
- The group provides support to these developing countries through policy advice, research and analysis, and technical assistance
- This is all done to achieve worldwide poverty reduction
Definition World Bank Group
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Mandates of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD
Goal; To support economic stability for the loner term
Mandates of the International Developments Association - IDA
Goal; to reduce poverty
Mandates of the International Finance Corporation - IFC
Mandates of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency - MIGA
Mandates of The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes - ICSID
May help to facilitate smooth investments in developing countries
IFC and MIGA do not direct their activities towards governments, but towards the private sector. What is the difference
MIGA; tries to reduce the risks for foreign investors in developing countries
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