The European Union - Economic Integration in Europe

4 important questions on The European Union - Economic Integration in Europe

What is the European Coal and Steel Community?

Installed in 1952, by Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and The Netherlands

Coals and steel were the most important materials for weapons production, it was believed that mutual dependence on trade in these basic materials would guarantee peaceful relations between the former combatting countries

What is the European Atomic Energy Community?

Installed in 1985, based on similar ideas as the European coal and steel community.

What did they establish after the world war II and why?

Belgium, France, (West)-Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands installed the European Coal and Steel Community in 1953 to remain lasting peace.
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What does supranational law means in the EU?

- European law is directly applicable in its member states. In Europe, the individual can use European law.
- European law is superior to domestic law. All domestic legislation that is not in compliance with European law may not be applied.

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