International cooperation: The United Nations - The institutions of the UN - The Security council

3 important questions on International cooperation: The United Nations - The institutions of the UN - The Security council

What does de Security Council consist of?

15 Member States incl. 5 permanent members who have a veto on non-procedural matters. The non permanent members are elected by the General Assembly

Any legally binding decision in the field of peace and security cannot be adopted without the consent of the five permanent members

What are the non-permanent members

They are selected for a period of 2 years by the General Assembly, and are allotted based on a geographical subdivision.

This means that amongst the non-permanent members
3 seats are allocated to African
2 seats are allocated to Asia and Pacific
1 seat is allocated to Easter European Countries
2 seats are allocated to Latin America and Caribbean countries
2 seats to Western European countries

What different shapes of military action can the council adopt?

  1. Traditional peacekeeping; observatory and verification missions
  2. Expanded peacekeeping; supervision of a peace process or transition of government structure
  3. Peace enforcements; enforcement of peace by military intervention
  4. Enforcement; enforcement by defeating a party that is involved in a conflict and against the will of the international community

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