International cooperation: The Bretton Woods Institutions - The World Trade Organisation - The mandate of the World Trade Organization
13 important questions on International cooperation: The Bretton Woods Institutions - The World Trade Organisation - The mandate of the World Trade Organization
Definition World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization was founded in 1944 and is the success of... Name 3
- General Agreement on Trade in Services - GATS
- Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - TRIPS
What principles have the GATT, GATS and TRIPS in common? Name 4
- No discrimination to trade
- Lowering trade barriers
- Fair competition
- Encouraging developing countries
- Higher grades + faster learning
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Most-favored nation principle
National treatment principle
How can Fair Competition be distorted
- Trade barriers
- Countries that subsidize their domestic markets
What is the ultimate goal of the WTO
The WTO facilitates Dispute Settlement
At any stage of a dispute settlements procedure, negotiation and diplomacy are moest important, if needed with the help of other WTO members. This could be through: name 3
- Good office
- Conciliation
- Mediation
Of what 3 parties does a dispute settlement procedure potentially consist of?
- Consultation
- Panel report
- Appeal procedure
Define the Consultation in the settlement procedure
Define the Panel Report in the settlement procedure
Define the Appeal procedure in the settlement procedure
By who is the WTO governed
- The General Council
- The director- General
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