Foundations and structure of international law - The structures of international law

10 important questions on Foundations and structure of international law - The structures of international law

Difference between coexistence and cooperation?

Coexistence: horizontal, how sovereign states interact with each other. Relatively stable, not subject to change. Inherent vagenues. Content.
Cooperation: turned into matters of international concern thourgh the adoption of a treaty. Optional. Consensiual character. Optional

How does international law conceive?

1. When a case encounters an issue of interest of more states international law can help as a supplement, sometimes the national law does not reach as far as needed.

2. If the involved states both decided that it'd  be better handled in international form.

How can a state be bound if it is sovereign?

The binding character of international law is a logical consequense of the existence of plural sovereign states.
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What is the meaning of the terms: scope, content and form?

Scope: the domain of the international law (inadequacy of national systems)

content: international law  

form: the kind of case, it's character

Explain the horizontal character of the international law of coexistence.

Horizontal means that the concerning of a peaceful coexistence is based on the countries, not the individuals living in them. It sees over the interests of the states and compares them for safe results.

How can international law of coexistence (general international law) be described?

This contains the legal answers to questions that are inherently of interest to more than one state and required to separate the powers of the sovereign state and thereby uphold peaceful coexistence.

Why is the international law of coexistence mainly horizontal?

Because it is mainly concerned with the manner in which sovereign states interact with and between each other.

What is the international law of cooperation about?

This law is internationally by choice, it contains matters that arised from treaties and therefor can be solved with international law.

What is an important difference between international law of cooperation and coexistence?

International law of cooperation is optional; states decide for themselves if they want to turn a matter into international law. Coexistence is mandatory.

How can international law of cooperation be described?

As it finds the legal answers to issues that are not inherently of interest to two or more states but which have nevertheless been turned into matters of international concern through the adoption of a treaty.

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