Sources of international law - Custom as a source of international law - Introduction

8 important questions on Sources of international law - Custom as a source of international law - Introduction

International customary law arises when a particular way of behaving is: (2 things)?

1) when behaviour is followed as a general practice among states, also state practice. (objective element)
2) when behaviour is accepted by those states as legally binding. (subjective element)

What happens when there is a conflict between a treaty and customary international law?

Peremptory rules are always more important (human rights etc). Then you have the lex specialis and the lex priotor.

Due to which two criteria can international customary law arise?

  • State practice; A particular way of behaving is followed as a general practice among states
  • Opinio juris; and accepted by those as legally binding
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The objective element: state practice. This becomes legally binding when:

There is a case of consistent repetition of a particular behaviour.  This must be acts of state.
Acts of state are everything psychical like military operations or anything verbal like diplomatic statements or press releases.

What does the element consistency contain?

It requires that practice be reasonably uniform. As long as the conduct is generally consistent with the rule it is okay.

What is meant with the element of duration?

Practice generally evolves slowly and gradually over time, often through years of repeated behaviour. Consistency and generality is often of greater importance though than duration. Sometimes customary law can be made as 'instant custom'. That is why duration is less important than the other 2 elements.

Explain the element generality of state practice.

Generality is about the generality of the practice and how widespread participation is. The majority of the states has to participate and practice. It is also not important how many, but also which states are included. UITLEG VRAGEN OVER DAT DEEL ERNA

The subjective requirement is called opinio juris, what does it mean?

The Lotus case belongs with this. A new real can come foreward from thinking something is a rule. DO MORE

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