The actors in the international legal system - The state - The right to self-determination

7 important questions on The actors in the international legal system - The state - The right to self-determination

What is self-determination and what are the conditions thereof?

The right to self-determination = stipulates that all people have a right to freely determine their political status and persue their economics, social and cultual development
- it has a erga onnes character

What does the difference between internal and external self-determination mean in Reference re Secession of Quebec of the Canadian Supreme Court?

Internal self-determination (autonomy) means that a people pursue their economic, political, social and cultural development within the framework of an existing state. External self-determination means the right to secede when they are ruled under exploitation.

What entails the right of self-determination?

All peoples have a right to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Since after WWII. Obligation erga omnes (ICJ)
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What is external self-determination?

This is the right of people to determine their own political status and to be free of alien domination, including formation of their own independent state.

When can you secede from the mother-state?

When you as a country were colonized or when there extraordinary circumstances like extreme oppression.

What do we speak of when it's the case of extreme oppression?

Remedial secession

Is a declaration of independence lawful under international law?

A declaration is lawful if it doesn't entail prohibited rules by international law.

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