The international regulation of the use of force

7 important questions on The international regulation of the use of force

What is the difference between rules regulating jus ad bellum and jus in bello?

Jus ad bellum are the rules that determine when and for what purpose a state may use force against another state and jus in bello mean how military actions must be conducted during war

What are the two elements of the principle of sovereignty that is referred to by the ICJ as being part and parcel of customary international law?

(1) an intervention aimed at (2) a matter in which each state is permitted to decide freely

Why do the permanent 5 have a veto-right?

Not just because they won WW2, also because in 1945 was believed that the best way of maintaining world peace was to have the 5 greatest powers agree on the use of force
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What are the limits on the Security Council's authority?

The Council is bound by the UN's general purposes and principles, they can only deal with threats to international peace and security and they cannot oblige states to disregard norms of a jus cogens/peremptory character.

What is an important rule in the initiation of self-defense?

Anticipatory self-defense is allowed, but the state may not take any measures of self-defense until the attack has actually taken place

Which three factors must be taken into account for self-defense to be lawful?

Necessity, immediacy and proportionality

In which three cases can a state use force without consent or a resolution from the security council?

Rescuing nationals abroad, humanitarian interventions and deterring states from using chemical weapons

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