Foundations and structure of international law - A brief history of international law

5 important questions on Foundations and structure of international law - A brief history of international law

What kind of impact had 'peace of Westphalia'?

The peace of Westphalia was a turninig point for the whole world, it made enlightenment thinkers and caused the fall of absolute power of the monarch.

Describe legal postivism and it's impact.

In positivism the source of law was 'state will'. This means that in cases people legally acted to the so called will of the majorty. The influence was grand, the theory of international law is partually based on the thought of this positivism.

What is the 'Treaty of Paris'?

The Treaty of Paris was an agreement between parties to refrain from war and instead solve their controversies as an instrument of national policy. It was established in 1928 by the Permanent court of international justice (PCIJ).
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What has changed for international law after the period of world wars?

In 1951 the United Nations were formed, this was an organisation existing of 51 states that was formed to maintain the peace and security in the world. Out of this convention, a lot of international agreements have followed, such as the world bank.

What kind of discrepancy has formed between states in the present time?

The establishment from the UN is formed on the so called 'Western ideology', also known as capitalism. With the rising power of countries such as China with outstanding communism the cooperation clashes.

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