The law of armed conflict and International criminal law - International criminal law

5 important questions on The law of armed conflict and International criminal law - International criminal law

What was the first international attempt to hold individuals responsible for serious crimes during war?

The Treaty of Versailles  which provided for the criminal responsibility of German state officials during the First World War.

What are the 1998 the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Codification of the international crimes and its elements and it is now used as the main reference for the definition of the offences.

What are the offences classfied as international crimes?

Genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.
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What is the definition of crime of agreswsion acording to the ICC review?

The planning, preparation, initiation or execution by a person in a leadership position of an act of agression.

Which forms may reparations for human righs violation take?

Individual, collective,
including land and property restitution
and symbolic.
including  changing street names, memorials and museums for the new generation.

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