International human rights - United Nations - the special procedures

4 important questions on International human rights - United Nations - the special procedures

What are thematic issues?

  • Enforced or involutary disapearances
  • arbitrary detention
  • right to education
  • right to food
  • sale of children
  • child prostitution and pornography
  • situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous populations

What are special procedures?

The appointment of either an individual( special rapporteur, special representative of the secretary-general or independent expert). Or workgroups are usually composed of five members one representing each geographical region.

What is the complaints procedure?

The Human Rights Council considers situations of concistent patterns of gross human right abuses. This is confidential and relies on the cooperation of the state subject to the claim and on the victim.
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What is the Universal Periodic Review?

Consists of a regular review of the regular review of the human rights records of all 193 UN member states.

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