The law of treaties - Termination of a treaty

4 important questions on The law of treaties - Termination of a treaty

What is a material treaty defined as ?

A repudiation of a treaty not sanctioned by present convention
or the violation of a provision essentioal to the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the treaty.

What is termination based on supervening impossibility of performance?

Designed to cover relatively rare things such as submerge of an island, drying up of a river or destruction of a dam.

What is the doctrine of rebus sic stantibus? ( things remaining what they are)

Literally things remaining wha
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When does a state lose its right to initiate a claim for invalidating, terminating withdrawing from or suspending the operation of a treaty?

It has expressly agreed the treaty is valid or it can be said to have acquiesced in the valitdity of the treaty.

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