The law of armed conflict and International criminal law

6 important questions on The law of armed conflict and International criminal law

What includes the way states conduct their hostilities?

The manner they treat those involved and affected by war.

What is the regime called which governs the behaviour of states during armed conflict?

Jus in Bello ( the laws of war)

Which two categories of norms does Jus in bello have?

Those relating to the actual conduct of hostilities
and those which afford a minimum protection to individuals.
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Who are denied the general protection enjoyed by prisoners of war or combatants?

Spies and mercenaries

What is an increasing area of interest for international law related to armed conflict?

Peacekeeping and increasingly peacebuilding, often reffered to as JUS POST BELLUM.

What did the ICJ acknowledge about the security council regarding peace keeping?

Only the security council could require enforcement by coercive action against an agressor

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