Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues - Case study 9: Rwanda

6 important questions on Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues - Case study 9: Rwanda

What happened on April 7th?

Rwanda's first female president was raped and murdered, and the 10 Belgium peacekeepers assigned to protect her were tortured, brutalised and killed.

Who began the mass murder of the Tutsi minority?

The Hutu militia.

Why did several Western countries sent special forces to Rwanda?

To extract foreign nationals, and not to stop the genocide.
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What happened on April 22nd?

The UN Secretary-General recommended that the UNCS either beef up and heavily arm UNAMIR or withdraw peacekeepers from harms way.

When fell the capital city of Kigali?

By July. Therefore, 1 million Hutus fled to neighbouring countries.

When was the UNAMIR mission officially concluded?

In 1996

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