Haupt & Kocka

14 important questions on Haupt & Kocka

What did Haupt and Kocka write

their book is called Comparative history

How does the cultural and academic background of scholars influence them?

It influences how they see the world and in which research they engage in

Why can historians sometimes be hesitant to compare

Because comparisons break continuities and interrupt the flow of a narrative. It also requires selection, abstraction and detaching of the case from its context.
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What do Haupt and Kocka meaan with 'abstraction'

That authors can never use all the information they have and have to abstract the information they don't need from the useful information

What is transfer history

It looks at the interrelationships between two entities

What is the critique on transfer history

Comparativist tend to accept nation's own self-representations without critical examination and comparative history's focus upon national differences tend to minimize the overlap and similarity among countries

What is histoire croisée / entangled history

Shifting analyses on comparative approaches (two more entities are connected)

What is the critique on histoire croisée

Comparativist tend to accept nation's own self-representations without critical examination and comparative history's focus upon national differences tend to minimize the overlap and similarity among countries

What is comparative history

Comparing entities and seeing similarities and differences

What is the critique on comparative history

Why would you compare two isolated things (to come to that conclusion you already compared)

On what does the relative significance of the comparative history depends on

Individual nation's historiographic traditions

What does the affinity between historical analysis and historical comparison serves

To explain the special strengths, attractions and difficulties of comparative history

How are historical subfields characterized by

Extreme specialization, gradualism and primary orientation to national history

What is the definition of global comparisons according to Kaelbe

Explicit and systematic comparisons of two or more historical societies, so as to explore commonalities and differences as well processes of differentiation and/or convergence

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